We all are aware of increasing rate of solar panel usage in urban cities. More and more residential societies are now getting aware and providing nature friendly way to tap solar energy. Some, power the street lamps, some provide hot water etc. Taking this a step forward, how about powering residential invertors with solar power utilizing the same setup?
We observe scheduled power cuts due to shortage of electricity. The ones who have liberty of invertors, enjoy uninterrupted power supply. The invertors get charged with electricity at regular time and is ready to be used during next power cut. In essence, the scheduled power cut is not saving electricity completely. A small change, to charge these invertors using solar power (whenever available) could save some electricity for sure. Aggregating this from one house to one society to one area to one city and so on could definitely save substantial energy. This would ensure complete usage of solar power and reap full benefits from the solar panel setup which currently is largely under used.
The technology is not new, it's not even a rocket science. Just that, its not been exploited to its fullest.
Ideas awaited.